Curriculum Vitae


Roman history, especially cultural and intellectual history; religion in the Roman world, including Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity; Epigraphy.


Associate Professor of Ancient Greek and Roman Studies (formerly Classics), University of California, Berkeley, From July 2016 (Assistant Professor, 2016-2020).

Assistant Professor of Classics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. From August 2013 to June 2016.


PhD Ancient History. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. 2013.

BA (Hons) Classics. Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. 2007.



Legible Religion: Books, Gods and Rituals in Roman Culture. 2016, Harvard University Press.

Roman Futures: An Essay in Cultural History. In progress.

Religion in the Roman World. In progress. Under contract, Cambridge University Press for “Key Themes in Ancient History” series.

Articles and Book Chapters

“The Predictions of P. Nigidius Figulus,” Nigidius Figulus: Roman Polymath, edited by Katharina Volk, Leiden: Brill, 2024: 51-65.

“Reading the Roman-Jewish Treaty in 1 Maccabees 8: Narrative, Documents, and Hellenistic Historical Culture,” Hermathena 200/201 (2016 [2022]): 73-93.

Ludibrium Paulinae: Historiography, Anti-Pagan Polemic, and Aristocratic Marriage in De excidio Hierosolymitano 2.4,” Journal of Late Antiquity 14.2 (2021): 229-256.

“Roman Hegemony and the Hasmoneans: The Construction of Empire,” The Middle Maccabees: Archaeology, History, and the Rise of the Hasmonean Kingdom, edited by Andrea M. Berlin and Paul J. Kosmin, Atlanta: SBL Press, 2021: 331-345.

“The Date of the Proem of Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica: New Epigraphic Evidence from Naples” Classical Philology 116.1 (2021): 119-125.

“Simon the God: Imagining the Other in Second-Century Christianity,” Geneses: A Comparative Study of the Historiographies of the Rise of Christianity, Rabbinic Judaism, and Islam, edited by John Tolan, Abingdon: Routledge, 2019: 64-86.

“Mercury and Materialism: Images of Mercury and the Tabernae of Pompeii” Tracking Hermes, Persuing Mercury, edited by John F. Miller and Jenny Strauss Clay, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019: 193-208.

“The Two Gentlemen of Trachonitis: A Story of Violence in Galilee and Rome (Josephus, Vita 112-113, 149-154),” Strength to Strength: Essays in Honor of Shaye J. D. Cohen, edited by Michael Satlow, Providence: Brown Judaic Studies, 2018: 219-234.

The Freedman’s Story: an accusation of witchcraft in the social world of early imperial Roman Italy (CIL 11.4639)” Journal of Roman Studies 108 (2018): 53-73.

 “Diligentissumus investigator antiquitatis? ‘Antiquarianism’ and historical evidence between Republican Rome and the early modern Republic of Letters” In Omnium annalium monumenta: Historical Writing and Historical Evidence in Republican Rome, edited by Christopher Smith and Kaj Sandberg, Leiden: Brill, 2018: 137-156

“‘The Laws of the Rites and of the Priests’: Varro and late Republican Roman Sacral Jurisprudence” Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 60.2 (2017): 34-48. (special issue: Varronian Moments, edited by Valentina Arena and Fiachra Mac Góráin)

“Late Antiquity and the Antiquarian” Studies in Late Antiquity 1.4 (2017): 335-358.

Invitus Invitam: A window allusion in Suetonius’ TitusClassical Quarterly 65.1 (2015): 415-418.

Reviews, Occasional Essays, and Encyclopedia Entries

“Review: Jonathan J. Price and Katell Berthelot (eds), The Future of Rome: Roman, Greek, Jewish and Christian Versions,” Journal of Roman Studies 112 (2022): 332-333.

“Review: Claudia Moser, The Altars of Republican Rome and Latium: Sacrifice and the Materiality of Roman Religion,” Religious Studies Review 48.2 (2022): 265-266.

“Review: Frédéric Chapot (ed.), Les récits de la destruction de Jérusalem (70 ap. J.-C.): Contextes, représentations et enjeux, entre Antiquité et Moyen Âge,” Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2021.05.21 (2021).

“Review: Lindsay Driediger-Murphy, Roman Republican Augury: Freedom and Control,” Classical Philology 115.3 (2020): 592-596.

“Review: Hannah Cornwall, Pax and the Politics of Peace: Republic to Principate,” Religious Studies Review 45.1 (2019): 67.

“Review: Daniele Miano, Fortuna: Deity and Concept in Archaic & Republican Italy,” Acta Classica 61 (2018).

“Review: Claudia Moatti, The Birth of Critical Thinking in Republican RomeGnomon 90.5 (2018): 416-419.

“Review: Jörg Rüpke, On Roman Religion: Lived Religion and the Individual in Ancient RomeReligious Studies Review 43.4 (2017): 398.

“Thucydides 1.22” Lines of Enquiry: Favourite Lines from Classical Literature. Dublin: Trinity College Dublin Press. 2017: 72-73.

“Glycera’s Goddess (Horace Ode 1.30)” Albert’s Anthology, Cambridge, MA: Department of the Classics, Harvard. 2017: 107-108.

“Review: Jörg Rüpke, Religion in Republican Rome: Rationalization and Ritual Change” American Journal of Philology 134.3 (2013): 510-514.

“Review: Gallia, A.B. Remembering the Roman Republic: culture, politics and history under the PrincipateMnemosyne 66.2 (2013): 353-356.

“Sulpicia, Augustan poet,” “Sulpicia, Flavian poet,” “T. Vestricius Spurinna” and “Cornelius Fuscus” for The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, eds. R. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C. Champion, A. Erskine and S. Huebner (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012).

“Review: James H. Richardson and Federico Santangelo (eds.), Priests and State in the Roman WorldJournal of Religion in Europe 5.4 (2012): 528-530.


University of California, Berkeley, Department of Classics

Graduate: Polytheism in Rome (Seminar, Fall 2016); Josephus (Seminar, Fall 2018); Survey of Latin Literature II (Spring 2019, Spring 2021), Roman Republican Pasts (Seminar, Spring 2020), Graduate Pedagogy (Fall 2020, Fall 2021), Voting the Divine (Fall 2021)

Undergraduate: Classical Mythology (Spring 2017, Spring 2019, Spring 2021, Spring 2022); Republican Prose (intermediate Latin, Spring 2017, Fall 2019, Fall 2020); Ancient Religions (Fall 2019); Ancient Times: Myth, History, Measurement (Spring 2020)

University of Cincinnati, Department of Classics

Graduate: History Seminars (Augustine and Rome; Religion in the Roman Republic); Roman Historical Problems; Roman Historical Documents

Undergraduate: Greek History; Roman History; Livy

Harvard University, Department of the Classics

Instructor: Greek: Grammar Review and Reading (Antiphon and Thucydides); Classics Junior Seminar: Egypt in the Greco-Roman World; Latin: Beginning Latin.

Teaching Fellow: Roman Culture and Civilization; General Education: Institutional Violence and Public Spectacle: the case of the Roman Games; General Education: Rome of Augustus; Roman Culture and Civilization).


Associate Professor Fellowship, Townsend Center for the Humanities, UC Berkeley

Visiting Professorship, LMU München, Spring 2018

Mellon/American Council for Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship,  2012-2013

Graduate Fellowship, Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (declined), 2012-2013

Anna Marnoy Feldberg Financial Aid Fund, Center of Jewish Studies, Harvard University, 2011

Research Scholarship, Fondation Hardt, Geneva, Switzerland, 2011

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Merit Fellowship, Harvard University, 2011


“The Predictions of P. Nigidius Figulus.” Nigidius Figulus, Columbia University (held online), April 2022.

“The Farmer and the Faenerator: Anticipation and Affect in Horace Epode 2.” Roman Anticipations: Material, Cognitive and Affective Histories of the Roman Future, SCS/AIA Annual Meetings (held online), January 2021.

“Assembling the Capitoline Future.” The Spatial Turn in Roman Studies, Durham University (held online), December 2020.

“Talking themselves into empire: 1 Maccabees and Roman Mediterranean Hegemony.” International Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Rome, July 2019.

“Capitoline Continuities: the Capitolium and Roman imagination of eternity.” European Association for the Study of Religion Annual Meeting, Tartu, June 2019.

*“Twice-Told Tales: 1 Maccabees 8 between Diplomacy and (Greek?) Historiography.” Historiography Jam III, Stanford University, April 2019.

“The Future of Rome: Imagination and Calculation in Roman Culture.” Berkeley Lecture. Center for Advanced Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, June 2018.

“1 Maccabees, John Hyrcanus and Roman Mediterranean Hegemony.” The Period of the Middle Maccabees: from the death of Judas through the reign of John Hyrcanus (ca. 160–104 BCE), 9th Nangeroni Meeting, Enoch Seminar, Milan, June 2018.

“Capitoline Pasts, Capitoline Futures: On the urbanity of Roman time.” The Senses of History: Apocalyptic Literature and their Temporalities, Harvard Divinity School, November 2017.

”Simon Magus’ Rome: Heresy and Paganism in the Emergence of Christianity.” Geneses: comparative study of the historiographies of the rise of Christianity, Rabbinic Judaism and Islam. Nantes, May 2017.

“The Shape of Roman Historiography: Reading FRHist from a distance.” Historiography Jam II, Stanford University, April 2017.

”The Freedman’s Story: a witchcraft narrative from early imperial Italy.” Invited Speaker. Department of Classics, Brown University, November 2016.

“Late Antique Roman Antiquarianism: History of Silence or the Silence of History?” Finding the Present in the Distant Past The Cultural Meaning of Antiquarianism in Late Antiquity, Ghent University, May, 2016.

“Books and the Invention of a Roman Religion.” Invited Speaker. Department of Classics and World Religions, Ohio University, November, 2015.

“A Curse on the Council (CIL 11.4639): witchcraft and writing in Imperial Italy.” Association of Ancient Historians Annual Meeting, Santa Barbara, CA, May, 2015.

“Paper Pagans: Tertullian and Augustine Read Varro.” Invited Speaker. Back to the Future: Varro, the State and Antiquarianism, UCL, January, 2015.

“Mercury and Materialism: Images of Mercury on the Shop Facades of Pompeii.” Tracking Hermes/Mercury, University of Virginia, March, 2014.

 Diligentissumus investigator antiquitatis? Rethinking ‘antiquarianism’ and historical evidence in Republican Rome.” Omnium annalium monumenta: Historical Evidence and Historical Writing in Republican Rome, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae and the British School at Rome, October, 2013.

 “Catullus the Antiquarian: Catullus 17 and Late Republican Antiquarian Discourse.” American Philological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, January, 2012.